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... And Called it Macaroni

“My students were so excited after seeing the show.  We came back to the classroom and discussed the different parts.  They were mesmerized by the acting and sound effects.  This made our return to the Social Studies unit much easier.  My students were excited to learn more about America’s great past.” – 3rd Grade Teacher, The King's Academy 


The Inventors' Magic Key

"In a perfect world, this is the way (educational theatre) should be presented.  It was absolutely spectacular.  It was science, it was social studies , it was history.  Not only that, it was timely with our school science projects.  It was extremely motivational.  It caught the interest of the students who are usually not interested in science because it made a connection to the arts. It was also phenomenal for our ESE and ESOL students."

- Mary Kay Westhoven, Palmetto Elementary


Once Upon a Time ... In Florida

"Great play!  The kids loved it! - Best performance I've been to."

 - Diamond View Elementary 4th Grade Teacher


"We began our Florida Studies unit which helped the students prepare for this enlightening experience."

 - North Grade Elementary 4th Grade Teacher


“The performance was an excellent tool to help prepare students for what 4th grade curriculum covers.  Especially Henry Flagler.”

– 4th Grade Teacher, Sunset Palms Elementary


"I just want to let you know what a GREAT experience this was for our students - they loved every minute of this performance.  Thank you!"

 - Seagull Academy for Independent Living Teacher


Taken Away

"The students were definitely affected by the play, even though they know quite a bit about the Holocaust.  I loved your study guide.  I found the production to be extremely well-written, directed and produced! 

- Zoraida Adams, Donna Klein Jewish Academy



Virtue Reality

“Not only was your troupe's special performance of Virtue Reality a resounding success with the youngsters but the scheduled festival performance for adults was the hit of the week!“

 - Anthony Tassa, Chair of the Department of Theatre, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates



Professional Theater for Young Audiences

© 2014 by StoryMakers, LLC.

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